Civil Info
Create transparency and give residents and tourists ideas about current events:
Plazas and other public meeting points can be equipped with a QRlights to inform about current events and activities. Public relations work with QRlight shows the modernity of your marketing mix. Especially non-profit organizations and local initiatives can benefit from having their current events published at no extra costs.
Providing the information timely and where it needs to be is key for avoiding speculation or rumors about public construction sites. Since not everybody can join public listening and presentations for each project a simple click will do on a QRlight that links to the project’s website. Here people can learn about the goals of your project and why it makes sense.
Museums, public swimming pools and libraries could give information on opening hours, fees, and special events in a blink with QRlight. No printing costs and updates about change in plans are the benefits of internet media connection with QRlight. Start being creative. Don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss how our QRlights can best assist your specific project needs.